Saturday, July 11, 2009

World Of Warcraft

Wow is probably one of the best mmo rpg games you will ever see. With great graphics and players I give WOW and all it's expansions a 5 out of 5!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Starcraft & Starcraft Brood War

Starcraft is a game of fantasy and adventure... While its competiter, The Warcraft Series (Both Made By Blizzard) is having fun killing orcs and humans... Starcraft is making its way to the top. With its just realesed sequel, Starcraft 2, the Starcraft series is going good. The game's good graphics and good gameplay make it a star. Also with extremly good races I give Starcraft:

4 out of 5

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Pharoah & Cleopatra

I rate this game 4 out of 5 stars.

The awesome city building game has
hundreds of buildings to build your city from. Upgrade your houses from simple huts to mighty palaces. Talk to your people and see how they feel about your city. Appreciate your gods well or your city will burn in flames or be abandoned by the plague. Trade with other cities and to get goods and money. Train armies to defeat your enemies or you too will fall to their power.

Friday, January 2, 2009

WarCraft 3 Reign Of Chaos

I rate this game 5 out of 5 stars. This is why:

WarCraft 3 is a fast paced strategy, action, and adventure game. Build up your towns to cities and create massive armies to attack your enemies. Discover new places and allied cities. This has an awesome online feature called For example, I'll say each race and their three heros: Orc; Blademaster, Far Seer, Tauren Cheiftan. Human; Paladin, Mountain King, Archmage. Undead; Death Knight, Lich, Dreadlord. Night Elf; Priestess of the Moon, Keeper of the Grove, Demonhunter. You should try it.